Join Our Club

Membership application (sponsorship required)

We would like to invite anyone interested in our wonderful breed, the Irish Wolfhound, to consider joining the Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club. We are delighted to meet new members. 

If you are interested, come join us at any of our activities. You don’t need to own an Irish Wolfhound to be an NCIWC member--just have a love of the breed. We encourage all members to participate in as many activites as they would like, including, but not limited to, helping at club activities, organizing one of their own, or just joining in on the fun. 

We require sponsorship to apply for membership.  Come to any club activity as we would love to meet you.  At the activities you attend, there will be club member(s) who will sponsor your application.  Or contact the membership chair.


Associate Membership:  

Applies to both Associate Single and Associate Family . Non-voting member of the Club who cannot hold office or be counted in a quorum.  Receives one copy of the Club’s bi-monthly publication, The Hounds’ Bugle.  One year Associate Membership required before eligibility for Single Active Membership or Family Active Membership. One club member sponsor required.  

Annual dues:  $35.00

Active Single Membership:  

Voting Member of the Club.  Receives one copy of the Club’s bi-monthly publication, The Hounds’ Bugle. Two non-related Active Member-Sponsors required.

Annual dues :  $35.00

Active Family Membership:  

Voting members of the Club. This is for two people sharing the same household and allows for two votes at general meetings and election of club board members and officers. Includes the Club’s bi-monthly publication, The Hounds’ Bugle.  Two non-related Active Member-Sponsors required. 

Annual dues:  $45.00

New Application

Thank you for your interest in applying to Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club.

Please select below what type of application you want to submit:

Applications are not complete until dues are received.  Once the completed applications and dues are received, applications will be forwarded to the next Board meeting for voting.  

To pay by check:

Send a check made payable to NCIWC, along with the application, to our membership chairperson Allyson Hicks.

Allyson Hicks, Membership Chairperson

17366 Piper Lane, Penn Valley, CA 94596

(530) 559-6245

To pay by credit card, Apple Pay or Cash App, select the Stripe button below. A process fee of $2.10 will be added for a $45 membership and $1.70 for $35 membership.

Active Family:


Associate Family:


Active Single:


Associate Single:
